Fight for Antony’s life and health is over, but in ‘Przyladek Nadziei’ (translation: Cape Hope) Clinic, ‘Centrum Zdrowia Dziecka’ (translation: Children’s Health Centre) Hospital and all around the world the fight for the life and health of many children affected by cancer is still ongoing. There are many ways in which you can help:
1. 1% tax donation or direct payments to organizations that take care, support and treat children with cancer
- Hospicjum dla Dzieci Dolnego Śląska (translation: Hospice for Children of Lower Silesia), which takes over the care and palliative treatment of terminally ill children and supports the whole family in such a difficult situation
- Fundacja Na Ratunek Dzieciom z Chorobą Nowotworową (tarnslation: Foundation for the Rescue of Children with Cancer), which on a daily basis supports children and parents treated in the ‘Przyladek Nadziei’ (translation: Cape Hope) Clinic, as well as the clinic itself (e.g. by purchasing equipment).
- Instytut “Pomnik — Centrum Zdrowia Dziecka” (translation: Institute “Monument — Children’s Health Centre”), which provides comprehensive treatment for children, in particular for children with severe illnesses (not only cancer), whose therapy has not been undertaken by other centers
- Fundacja Nasze Dzieci (translation: Our Children Foundation), which similarly to the Foundation for Rescue supports children and parents who are treated in the oncology ward of the Children’s Health Centre.
The money that has been transferred to Antoś’s account (created in the Foundation for the Rescue of Children with Cancer) will be used for statutory purposes by the Foundation for the Rescue of Children with Cancer, in accordance with its regulations (in polish: Regulamin Kont Imiennych — translation: Rules of Registered Accounts).
2. Donation of blood indicating the clinics treating children with cancer, such as Przyladek Nadziei (translation: Cape Hope) or Centrum Zdrowia Dziecka (translation: Children’s Health Center)
Blood is always needed for children undergoing chemotherapy (all blood groups) as their bone marrow needs to regenerate, and during this process is unable to catch up. Therefore blood transfusions are frequent.
Advice from own experience: drink a lot of water and/or juices in the morning, and before entering the blood collection for tests drink another 2 cups of water (distributors are available at the RCKIK headquarters in Wroclaw) — then there is adequate pressure and 450 ml of whole blood goes down within 5 minutes. The rest of the information for the donor can be found on the website of the Wroclaw-based RCKIK.
3. Participation in the collection of hair for wigs for children with cancer — actions such as Włosem w Raka (translation: Hair in Cancer)
Hair grown during 13 months of Antony treatment were donated in the end of year 2017.
Thank you,
Ela & Kacper (Antony parents)